How to care for an orphaned newborn kitten

How to care for an orphaned newborn kitten


Caring for an orphaned newborn kitten can be a challenging task, but it is possible to create a suitable environment for it to grow up healthy and strong. Newborn kittens need specific care, as they are vulnerable and cannot take care of themselves. It is important to be prepared for the challenge and follow some guidelines to ensure the puppy's survival. 

1. How to Feed an Orphaned Newborn Kitten Cat

Feed him regularly: A newborn kitten needs breast milk or breast milk replacer every two to three hours. You can buy powdered cat milk from a pet store or make homemade breast milk substitute or you can choose to make homemade milk. One of the most popular homemade recipes for feeding an orphaned newborn kitten is as follows:




1 glass of whole milk

1 glass of boiled, filtered or mineral water

2 tablespoons of milk flour

1 egg yolk, hard-boiled and beaten with a fork, without the white

1 tablespoon sour cream

Method of preparation:


Mix all ingredients in a blender.

Mix until you get a smooth mixture.

Place the mixture in a glass bowl with a lid.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

When feeding the puppy, remove only the necessary amount.

This recipe can be used for up to three days. After that, it is necessary to prepare a new recipe.

This is an easy, healthy and economical recipe for feeding an orphaned newborn kitten. Make sure all ingredients are fresh and quality to ensure your pup's health.


2. How to bottle-feed an orphaned newborn cat safely and correctly

How to care for an orphaned newborn kitten


Bottle-feeding orphaned puppies requires a lot of dedication and patience. These babies are used to sucking from their mother's teat, so it can be a challenge to get them to accept a bottle with a rubber nipple.


To succeed in feeding the puppy, it is essential to prepare the bottle correctly, with the right size of the hole in the nipple. A hole that is too small will tire the cat quickly, while a hole that is too large can cause gagging.


The temperature of the milk is also an important factor. The milk should be warm, around 37°C, which is the temperature of milk in the mother cat. It is recommended to give milk 4 to 5 times a day, without limiting the amount. The kitten should suckle until it is satisfied, just as it would if it was with its mother.


The position of the puppy during feeding is essential to encourage him to suckle. It's important to put him in an upright position, holding him with one hand and supporting his bottom with the other. Care must be taken not to tilt the bottle, as this could cause the milk to enter the kitten's airways and cause gagging.


Another important aspect is to make the puppy associate the bottle with the mother. This can be done by placing a cloth or blanket that has the mother cat's scent next to it. puppy during feeding. It is also possible to caress him while breastfeeding, so that he feels cozy and safe.


3. Help the kitten do its business

Puppies less than three weeks old need stimulation after feeding for bowel movement to occur. This means that you need to encourage the kitten to defecate and urinate. This is a very important task to ensure the puppy's health, as the accumulation of feces can lead to constipation, which is extremely dangerous for young animals and can even cause death.


The stimulation technique can be performed using a soft, damp piece of tissue, such as a towel or tissue moistened with warm water. Ideally, the tissue temperature should be similar to that of the mother, which is usually 37ºC. With the puppy on its stomach and supported on a flat surface, gently massage the puppy's anus and genital area with the wet tissue. Make circular and light movements until the kitten eliminates feces and / or urine.


It is important to be careful not to injure the puppy during the stimulation process. In addition, it is essential to wash hands and fabric thoroughly after each use in order to prevent the spread of bacteria and disease.


4 .Keep the kitten warm 

Keep it warm: A newborn kitten cannot regulate its body temperature, so it's important to keep it warm. Use a cardboard box with a heat lamp or a cat heating pad.

In addition, it is important to have patience and dedication when caring for an orphaned newborn kitten. They are vulnerable and need constant attention to survive. It is necessary to be willing to wake up during the night to feed and care for the puppy and always be aware of any changes in its behavior or health.


However, caring for an orphaned newborn kitten can be a rewarding and enriching experience. As the kitten grows and develops, you can see him grow into a strong, healthy cat ready to explore the world around him.