Controlling hair loss in cats: practical tips for a clean and healthy environment

Controlling hair loss in cats: practical tips for a clean and healthy environment. Loyal and loving companions for their owners, cats are animals that many people choose to have at home.

However, a common problem that we catkeepers and catwalkers face is the excess of hair that our furry ones lose, there isn't a corner of the house that doesn't have their hair. 

Excessive shedding can be a concern for cat owners, as it not only makes the house dirty and cluttered, but it can also cause health problems for the cat. Fortunately, there are several simple steps we can take to help control our cats' shedding and maintain a clean, healthy environment for them.


Brush the cat's fur

Regular brushing is the best way to reduce the amount of hair your cat sheds. Brush your cat daily with a soft-bristled brush or a special rubber pet glove.

Brushing will help loosen dead hair, as well as prevent hairballs from forming in your cat's digestive tract, which can even lead to health problems. Brushing also helps prevent hair from spreading around the house, keeping the environment cleaner and more organized.

It is essential that you get your cat used to it from a young age, otherwise, when it grows up, it will be difficult for it to be brushed. Always give a prize in the form of a snack, this will make him associate brushing with something pleasurable.


Adequate and balanced nutrition

Another important measure is to offer adequate food to your cat. A balanced diet is essential for your cat's health and can also help reduce the amount of hair shed.

Be sure to feed your cat a quality cat food and avoid foods that contain meat and grain by-products, as these ingredients can contribute to excessive shedding. 

Give only cat food, such as ready-made kibble or sachets, and avoid giving your pet human food. However, I know that many cat owners have many cats and this makes the purchase of super premium feed unfeasible.  

To compensate for the use of more economical feeds that have a low protein content, I I recommend adding eggs to your diet and the use of supplements that contain prebiotics and probiotics.

A supplement I I recommend Organew, which has a great cost-benefit ratio. Remembering this tip is for those who are unable to give super premium feed or even premium quality feed 

And remember: the fact that the feed is premium does not necessarily mean that it is of quality. And run away from the colored rations.



Pay attention to your cat's health

cat vomiting


In addition, it is important to take care of your cat's health. Some health conditions, such as skin infections and hormonal issues, can cause your cat to shed more hair than normal. Therefore, it is important to take your cat to the veterinarian regularly to assess its health and treat any health problems that may be related to excessive hair loss.

And keep in mind, that excess hair can cause a serious blockage in your cat's gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea and loss of appetite.


keep the house clean

Another important tip is to keep the house clean. One way to reduce the amount of hair your cat sheds around the house is to keep the house clean. Vacuum carpets and rugs regularly, wipe smooth surfaces with a damp cloth, and clean the couch and other furniture where your cat hangs out.

Not only does this help to reduce the amount of hair lying around the house, but it also helps to maintain a clean and healthy environment for your pet.


In summary, excessive hair loss in cats can be a problem for owners, but there are several simple measures that can help control this issue. Brush your cat regularly, provide adequate food, take care of your pet's health and keep the house clean.

With these measures, you can help maintain a healthy and clean environment for your feline companion, in addition to preventing health problems caused by excessive hair loss.