
Showing 6 of 30 Results

Cats and Milk: Debunking the Myth and Explaining Why Adult Cats Shouldn't Drink Milk Cats and milk: unraveling the myth and explaining why adult cats should not drink milk. Cats and milk are often associated in popular culture, whether in cartoons […]

Egg in the Feline Diet: Can or Can't

Egg in feline diet: may or may not. First, I will tell you my experience as a poor gatekeeper who could not afford to buy good quality feed for my babies who […]

5 surprising physical and mental health benefits of adopting a cat

5 surprising physical and mental health benefits of adopting a cat Adopting a cat can be an excellent decision for those looking for a loving and […]

What to do in case of inflammation or lump appearance after surgery or neutering

O que fazer em caso de inflamação ou surgimento de caroço após cirurgia ou castração Introdução ao problema A recuperação de um animal após uma cirurgia, especialmente a castração, é […]

Cat Neutering: Why It's Important and How It Can Benefit Feline Health and Well-Being

Cat Neutering: Why It's Important and How It Can Benefit Feline Health and Well-Being. Neutering is a common surgical procedure in cats, performed to remove […]

Wood pellets for cats: a cheap and sustainable alternative

  Wooden pellets for cats: a cheap and sustainable alternative. Cats are animals that require special care and constant attention, especially when it comes to their food […]