Cat missing for eight years returns home thanks to Facebook post

 Cat missing for eight years returns home thanks to Facebook post. Cat missing for eight years returns home thanks to Facebook post. Kristen Williams of Watsontown, Pennsylvania, spent eight years looking for her cat Snickerdoodle, who had run away from home.

Kristen was determined to find him, but the weeks turned into years and she lost hope. However, the recent adoption of a cat named Maria by the Scratching Post Cat Cafe in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania changed everything.

Kristen was browsing Facebook when she saw Maria's photo and noticed that she looked like her missing cat. She got in touch with the organization and, after comparing photos, Kristen recognized that Maria was, in fact, Snickerdoodle.


Kristen's reunion with Snickerdoodle is a touching story that shows the strong connection we have with our pets. However, this situation also reminds us of how important it is to keep our pets safe at home and prevent them from running away.


This has happened to me before and it's devastating not knowing if he's hurt, hungry or being mistreated by some vile soul out there in droves. I kept imagining him calling me asking for my help.

In addition, I had to deal with comments like “it's just a cat, just get another one and that's it”. I wouldn't even wish that on my worst enemy. And to prevent this from happening, carefully read the text below

Here are some helpful tips to keep your cat safe at home and prevent them from running away:


1. Keep doors and windows closed or screened: Cats are curious animals and they may be tempted to explore the outside world. Make sure doors and windows are closed or screened to prevent them from escaping.


2. Identify your cat: Put a identification tag on your cat with your name, your phone number and address. This can help reunite you and your cat in the event of an escape.


3. Make a safe space indoors: Provide a safe space indoors for your cat, such as a scratching post or litter box. This can help keep them entertained and prevent them from getting bored and trying to hang out.


4. Keep an eye on your cat: Be attentive and observe your cat's behavior. If they seem restless or are trying to get away, it could be a sign that they want out. Pay attention in these situations.


5. Keeping your cat safe at home is key to preventing them from running away. With the right precautions and the necessary attention, you can ensure that your cat is happy and safe at home.

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